Sunday, April 28, 2013

Technology Integration Matrix

It’s somewhat difficult to determine what stage I’m in as a technology integration specialist because I’m not regularly planning lessons and instruction for students. I usually assist teachers when they already have an idea in mind for a lesson or when they need help finding a technology resource or modeling different technology tools. With this in mind, I would say that I fall in the Adaptation level of integration for most areas. As a technology integration specialist, I was hoping to at least fall completely in the Adaptation or Infusion levels, but based on how I assist teachers, I would say that Adoption is probably the more appropriate level.

By the end of the year, I believe I could reach the Adaptation level for some of the independent characteristics, but maybe not reach that next level entirely. For example, I’ve noticed a lot of teachers have students working independently. They can use various technology tools, but they often use them while working alone or with limited collaboration. By the end of the year, I think it would be easy for me to reach the Adaptation level of collaboration while assisting teachers with lessons.

To reach this goal, I feel that it may be best for students and teachers to use tools they are already mostly familiar with in the beginning. For example, My Big Campus allows students to create blogs and discussion boards to collaborate and share with their peers. I think it would be great for teachers to use My Big Campus and other technology tools to not only allow collaborative work between students in their classrooms, but also outside of the school as well.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Online/Blended Learning Barriers

Blended/online learning removes several barriers educators and students frequently face in the classroom. Online learning allows students to collaborate and connect with other students outside of the traditional school setting. Different perspectives and ideas can be shared in an online setting that may not be present when students collaborate with students who have a similar background or environment.

Blended or online learning can also be more accommodating for learners. I’ve taken several online and blended learning courses and realized that it’s easier for me to focus on my work and be more productive at different times during the day. Online courses allowed me to concentrate on my homework and reading at times that I felt I could best process the information. Other days I was just very busy with work, so the flexibility of an online course was extremely helpful.

On the other hand, digital learning could definitely present barriers for some students and educators. I personally enjoy online courses because asynchronous learning allows me to sit back and process what I’m reading and learning before I share my thoughts with others. Compared to the pace of a discussion taking place in class, a discussion board may seem boring to someone who thrives from taking part in a lively debate in class. The lack of face-to-face interaction with others may seem less stimulating or appealing to some learners.